Medium Size Workstation w/ Table Top Extrusions

Medium Size Workstation w/ Table Top Extrusions

Par :
3 601,28 $ USD
Workstation made of structural extrusion, table top extrusions and a lower HDPE panel. Ideal for simple applications for which you need to install different devices (clamps, fixtures, etc) on the workstation while remaining easily adjustable. The tabletop has a surface of 810x1080mm.

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Technical Specifications

Spec Attribute Spec Value
Numéro de conception AS-WS-362042 v1.2.61
Poids 109.0 kg
Dimensions (L x W x H) 892 x 1148 x 857 mm
Prix Unitaire 3,601,28 $ USD
Cas d'utilisation Assembly
Application Workstations
Temps d'assemblage 4:02

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Technical Specifications

Spec Attribute Spec Value
Numéro de conception AS-WS-362042 v1.2.61
Poids 109.0 kg
Dimensions (L x W x H) 892 x 1148 x 857 mm
Prix Unitaire 3,601,28 $ USD
Cas d'utilisation Assembly
Application Workstations
Temps d'assemblage 4:02

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