Vacuum Area Gripper with Suction Foam for UR

Vacuum Area Gripper with Suction Foam for UR

$4,088.44 USD
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Schmalz FXCB is a ready-to-connect robot set for lightweight robots and cobots based on an intelligent and pneumatic area gripper. Low-weight robot set for handling workpieces in the area of intra-logistics. Perfect for stationary handling tasks such as palletizing and de-palletizing cardboard boxes. Compatible with Universal Robot UR3, UR5, UR10 & UR16. Suction rating of 525.9 l/min. Permissible load: 80 N. Maximum load with purely horizontal movement: 350 N. These are theoretical numbers that must be confirmed including other variables such as material type. Includes a URcap valid for Polyscope 3.12 & higher (CB series) or 5.5 & higher (E-series). A pneumatic connection and air prep station is required (not included).
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Technical Drawings

General Specifications

Spec Attribute Spec Value
Part Number PR-SZ-001-0067
Weight 1.85 kg
Dimensions (L x W x H) 138.0 x 331.0 x 160.0 mm
Unit Price $4,088.44 USD

Technical Specifications

Spec Attribute Spec Value
Certification CE
Compatible With UR3, UR5, UR10, UR16 (CB & e-Series)
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