How to guide
Updated: Thursday, October 31e 2024
Resizing Extrusions
This guide explains how to resize single and multiple extrusions in MachineBuilder.
Resize on Insertion
When inserting a new extrusion, resize it by dragging the arrow at the end. Click elsewhere in the design space or press “Escape” to confirm.
Resize Single Extrusion
To resize an already placed extrusion, right-click and select “Resize Extrusion.” Drag the arrows at the ends to adjust the length, then click outside the design space or press “Escape” to confirm.
Tip: Use the “L” shortcut after selecting the extrusion to resize.
Resize Multiple Extrusions
To resize multiple parallel extrusions at once, select them all, then either press “L” or right-click and choose “Resize Selected Extrusion.” Drag the arrows at the ends to adjust the length, then click outside the design space or press “Escape” to confirm.