MiR Compatible Robust Transport Frame - Short

MiR Compatible Robust Transport Frame - Short

Par : User badge
1 101,78 $ USD
Transport Frame to be mounted on a MiR 100 or MiR 200 autonomous cart. Lower compartment can carry heavy boxes and parts of dimensions up to 400x360x675mm. Top compartment guards its payload by 65mm all around. Aft and Forward panels prevent payload from being ejected in case of an emergency stop or high acceleration.

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Technical Specifications

Spec Attribute Spec Value
Numéro de conception MH-AM-20786 v3.2
Poids 29.1 kg
Dimensions (L x W x H) 777 x 462 x 636 mm
Prix Unitaire 1,101,78 $ USD
Cas d'utilisation Material Handling
Application AGV Top Modules
Temps d'assemblage 4:23

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Technical Specifications

Spec Attribute Spec Value
Numéro de conception MH-AM-20786 v3.2
Poids 29.1 kg
Dimensions (L x W x H) 777 x 462 x 636 mm
Prix Unitaire 1,101,78 $ USD
Cas d'utilisation Material Handling
Application AGV Top Modules
Temps d'assemblage 4:23

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