CNC Machine Tending Automation Cell - Haas Mini Mill

CNC Machine Tending Automation Cell - Haas Mini Mill

Par : User badge
7 946,49 $ USD
CMM Machine tending Cell was designed to handle part process through a CMM Machine. robot will bring new parts or pallets to CMM to inspect features on the parts. Front of workstation, I am using a PLC to communicate to the operator, part count, Pass or Fail, Program Selection.

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+35 800,00 $
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Technical Specifications

Spec Attribute Spec Value
Numéro de conception MF-RC-202667 v24
Poids 123.4 kg
Dimensions (L x W x H) 1501 x 1137 x 1130 mm
Prix Unitaire 7,946,49 $ USD
Cas d'utilisation Manufacturing
Application Machine Tending
Temps d'assemblage 13:04

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Technical Specifications

Spec Attribute Spec Value
Numéro de conception MF-RC-202667 v24
Poids 123.4 kg
Dimensions (L x W x H) 1501 x 1137 x 1130 mm
Prix Unitaire 7,946,49 $ USD
Cas d'utilisation Manufacturing
Application Machine Tending
Temps d'assemblage 13:04

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