Box Sorting Conveyor Assembly

Box Sorting Conveyor Assembly

Par : User badge
17 672,03 $ USD
As the boxes both down the conveyor and are detected by the sensors, and pivoting arm acts as either a guiding shoulder for the box, or activated opens access to a perpendicular lane and then guides the box down that path before closing again. Each sorting potion of the design is modular, and so an extra section can be easily added if needed.

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Technical Specifications

Spec Attribute Spec Value
Numéro de conception MH-CV-124677 v15.1
Poids 319.7 kg
Dimensions (L x W x H) 4058 x 1750 x 881 mm
Prix Unitaire 17,672,03 $ USD
Cas d'utilisation Material Handling
Application Conveyors
Temps d'assemblage 16:45

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Technical Specifications

Spec Attribute Spec Value
Numéro de conception MH-CV-124677 v15.1
Poids 319.7 kg
Dimensions (L x W x H) 4058 x 1750 x 881 mm
Prix Unitaire 17,672,03 $ USD
Cas d'utilisation Material Handling
Application Conveyors
Temps d'assemblage 16:45

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