E&K digital fabrication cart

E&K digital fabrication cart

$1,152.56 USD
Our printers were spread out across 3 tables, so we designed this to hold them all and make them mobile! You can see the assembly in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iERXSS_BtGw

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Technical Specifications

Spec Attribute Spec Value
Design number MH-IC-9152 v5
Weight 35.7 kg
Dimensions (L x W x H) 681 x 1272 x 1462 mm
Unit price $1,152.56 USD
Use case Material Handling
Application Industrial Carts
Assembly time 3:46

Supporting Documents

Technical Drawings

Technical Documents


Technical Specifications

Spec Attribute Spec Value
Design number MH-IC-9152 v5
Weight 35.7 kg
Dimensions (L x W x H) 681 x 1272 x 1462 mm
Unit price $1,152.56 USD
Use case Material Handling
Application Industrial Carts
Assembly time 3:46

Supporting Documents

Technical Drawings

Technical Documents


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