DIT/DP Monitor Cart

DIT/DP Monitor Cart

$1,012.33 USD
DIT style cart for mounting two 25" monitors. DIY shelves that you can carpet. Pneumatic wheels can attach to bottom corners. Can hang 19" racking from underneath top shelf. Find m8 - 1/4inch screws so you can place film gear into t-slots. Have used for entire show, works great.

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Technical Specifications

Spec Attribute Spec Value
Design number AS-WS-88510 v76
Weight 30.4 kg
Dimensions (L x W x H) 1224 x 642 x 1086 mm
Unit price $1,012.33 USD
Use case Assembly
Application Workstations
Assembly time 3:17

Supporting Documents

Technical Drawings

Technical Documents


Technical Specifications

Spec Attribute Spec Value
Design number AS-WS-88510 v76
Weight 30.4 kg
Dimensions (L x W x H) 1224 x 642 x 1086 mm
Unit price $1,012.33 USD
Use case Assembly
Application Workstations
Assembly time 3:17

Supporting Documents

Technical Drawings

Technical Documents


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