Safety Modules Use Case Reference Guide
- Overview
- Scenario #1: Replacing a part inside a machine with light curtains without triggering an e-stop
- Scenario #2: Robot automatically returns to normal operation when the area scanner-defined collaborative speed zone is not triggered
- Scenario #3: Collaborative speed control with auto-reset and defined e-stop zone
- Scenario #4: Integrating area scanners with a FANUC robot without a MachineMotion
- Scenario #5: Access control for machine cells (no robot)
- Scenario #6: Access control for machine cells (with robot)
- Scenario #7: Muting light curtains for conveyor systems
- Scenario #8: Managing multiple robots in a cell
- Commissioning checklist

Welcome to the Safety Modules Use Case Reference Guide! Here, you’ll find all the information you need to seamlessly integrate Vention’s safety devices into your machine design, based on your specific use case. Please note, to ensure proper functionality, insert a black jumper into any unused input on any of the safety modules. Yellow jumpers are reserved for unused safety ports on MachineMotion.
Scenario #1: Replacing a part inside a machine with light curtains without triggering an e-stop
Problem: You have Vention equipment and need to manually feed and outfeed parts. You want the e-stop to trigger if the light curtains are activated while the machine is operating. Additionally, you want the light curtains to be disabled once the cycle is complete, allowing the operator to replace the part (e.g., glue dispensing machine, sanding cell, machine tending, etc.).
Solution: The Mode Switching Safety Module (CE-SA-018-0001) is tailor-made for these requirements. It seamlessly links light curtains and other safety devices, ensuring smooth operation and providing emergency stop functionality when necessary.
Scenario #2: Robot automatically returns to normal operation when the area scanner-defined collaborative speed zone is not triggered
Problem: Machine tending cell with a FANUC robot on a range extender, and you want to only use area scanners. A first zone will slow the robot down to a collaborative speed, while stepping out of the collaborative zone resumes the robot to move at full speed.
Solution: Combine the Datalogic Laser Area Scanner (PR-DA-201-0489) with the Auto-reset Safety Module (CE-SA-019-0001) and Robot Safety Module (CE-SA-016-0001). The laser scanner’s OSSD 1, 2, and 3 are connected to the auto-reset module, which has a safety OUT port connected to the reduced port of the robot safety module. This setup allows the scanner to automatically return to full speed when an operator exits the collaborative zone.
Scenario #3: Collaborative speed control with auto-reset and defined e-stop zone
Problem: Machine tending cell with a FANUC robot on a range extender and you want to only use area scanners. A first zone will decelerate the robot to a collaborative speed. If someone moves beyond that zone, the robot halts entirely. Entering the collaborative zone and then stepping out resumes normal operation (provided you don’t enter the e-stop zone).
Solution: In addition to all the modules in scenario #2 you will need the Muting Safety Module (CE-SA-015-0001).
Scenario #4: Integrating area scanners with a FANUC robot without a MachineMotion
Problem: Use area scanners in a machine tending cell with a FANUC robot, where you would like the auto-reset functionality without including a MachineMotion in the design.
Solution: The solution remains the same as in scenario #2, with the same analysis and connections. However, to achieve the desired functionality, you will need to incorporate the RSM - Stand Alone (CE-SA-016-0002), supplied by an external power supply extension.
Scenario #5: Access control for machine cells (no robot)
Problem: Ensure that your system is in a safe state before being able to open the door. You aim to press a button that triggers the homing sequence and then unlocks the system.
Solution: Utilize the Access Request Module (CE-SA-017-0001) to manage access to your machine, providing peace of mind and security.
Scenario #6: Access control for machine cells (with robot)
Problem: Ensure that your system is in a safe state before being able to open the door. You aim to press a button that triggers the homing sequence and then unlocks the system.
Solution: Utilize the Access Request Module (CE-SA-017-0001) to manage access to your machine and a Smart Robot Safety Module (CE-SA-016-0001) connected to your robot. The Robot Safety Module should be the last module in the safety chain connected to the MachineMotion.
Scenario #7: Muting light curtains for conveyor systems
Problem: Prevent boxes from triggering e-stops while using light curtains. You would like to mute light curtains when boxes are exiting or entering.
Solution: Combine the Muting Safety Module (CE-SA-015-0001) with proximity sensors (CE-AP-002-0000) for effective management of light curtain signals.
- Connect the light curtain to either port Device 3 or Device 4.
- Use Muting sensor Y adapters (CE-SA-107-0001). Connect two sensors to port XA and the other two to port XB.
- One sensor connected to port XA and 1 sensor connected to XB are placed on one side of the light curtain. The two remaining sensors are placed on the other side of the light curtain.
The distance between the sensors should be established based on the following information:
- Less than 2 seconds between activation of XA and XB.
- The distance between the two pairs of sensors is less than the length of the boxes.
- Muting ends after 10 seconds.
Scenario #8: Managing multiple robots in a cell
Problem: You have multiple robots in the same cell, and when you e-stop one, you would like the other robots in the cell to stop, too.
Solution: Custom safety modules are necessary for effectively managing multiple robot applications. Contact us to define a proper solution.
Commissioning checklist
We’re pleased to provide you with comprehensive commissioning checklists for the safety modules you’ve invested in. These checklists serve as valuable resources to ensure the seamless integration and optimal performance of your safety systems.
You can access the commissioning checklists through the following links:
Muting safety module
Mode switching safety module
Auto-reset safety module
Robot safety module
Access request
We’re committed to ensuring your workplace safety with our comprehensive range of safety devices. For more details and assistance, visit Vention’s Safety Device Collection.