Rotating lift - Pick and Place with enclosed timing belt

Rotating lift - Pick and Place with enclosed timing belt

von: User badge
43.144,49 $ USD
Rotating lift with two rotary actuators v2 for a pick and place application from a Dorner belt conveyor to another. The lift features flat suction cups by Millibar Robotics. Safety enclosure including a safety Light Curtain Kit by Datalogic and Polycarbonate panels. Includes a MachineMotion pendant for ease of use.

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+3.146,53 $
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Technical Specifications

Spec Attribute Spec Value
Designnummer AS-PP-93966 v86
Gewicht 574.7 kg
Maße (L x W x H) 3961 x 3974 x 2534 mm
Einzelpreis 43,144,49 $ USD
Anwendungsfall Assembly
Anwendung Pick & Place
Montagezeit 38:17


Technische Zeichnungen

Technische Dokumente

Technical Specifications

Spec Attribute Spec Value
Designnummer AS-PP-93966 v86
Gewicht 574.7 kg
Maße (L x W x H) 3961 x 3974 x 2534 mm
Einzelpreis 43,144,49 $ USD
Anwendungsfall Assembly
Anwendung Pick & Place
Montagezeit 38:17


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