EDM Wire Cutter Load/Unload Robot System

EDM Wire Cutter Load/Unload Robot System

von: User badge
9.764,40 $ USD
Designed for a Collaborative Robot, panels are in place to prevent robot from potential head injuries during performing movements. an indicator light for each product location and an overall cell status light. 4 adjustable levelers are on the back of the system to adjust and bolt robot cell to machine. PLC is used to display certain information on part count, cycle time and so on.

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+2,00 $
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Technical Specifications

Spec Attribute Spec Value
Designnummer AS-PP-121018 v23.6.1
Gewicht 212.3 kg
Maße (L x W x H) 1648 x 1407 x 2049 mm
Einzelpreis 9,764,40 $ USD
Anwendungsfall Assembly
Anwendung Pick & Place
Montagezeit 18:52


Technische Zeichnungen

Technische Dokumente

Technical Specifications

Spec Attribute Spec Value
Designnummer AS-PP-121018 v23.6.1
Gewicht 212.3 kg
Maße (L x W x H) 1648 x 1407 x 2049 mm
Einzelpreis 9,764,40 $ USD
Anwendungsfall Assembly
Anwendung Pick & Place
Montagezeit 18:52


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