URCap for Robot Cell Integration, V2.X

URCap for Robot Cell Integration, V2.X

$1,769.41 USD
Not for release
Vention offers Universal Robot Capability (URCap) extension packages enabling simple programming of Vention motion systems from within the UR teach pendant. Once loaded in the UR Polyscope HMI, these URCap applications provide an intuitive environment for seamlessly managing Vention components from the UR pendant. URCap integrations make it simple and cost-effective to create systems combining UR six-axis robot arms with Vention's MachineMotion controlled systems.
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General Specifications

Spec Attribute Spec Value
Part Number CE-SW-001-0002
Weight 0.1 kg
Dimensions (L x W x H) 40.0 x 10.0 x 5.0 mm
Unit Price $1,769.41 USD
Material N/A
Surface finish N/A
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