Timing Belt Conveyor Corner Guide

Timing Belt Conveyor Corner Guide

$155.28 USD
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The timing belt conveyor HDPE corner guide permits smooth, guided 90-degree turns along an assembly or packaging line. It is used in conjunction with other timing belt conveyor pallet guiding accessories, that is, the pallet guides (MO-CV-013-0011), 22.5mm extrusion (ST-EXT-006-XXXX) and support brackets (MO-CV-013-0008).
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General Specifications

Spec Attribute Spec Value
Part Number MO-CV-013-0007
Weight 0.463 kg
Dimensions (L x W x H) 277.5 x 277.5 x 20.0 mm
Unit Price $155.28 USD
Material HDPE
Associated Fasteners 4 x HW-FN-002-0001 , 4 x HW-FN-003-0018
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