Fixed Mount 20mm Series Profile Guide Bearing Carriage

Fixed Mount 20mm Series Profile Guide Bearing Carriage

$249.03 USD
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The 20mm Series Profile Guide Rail system is a high capacity and high rigidity bearing system designed for the toughest applications, like large cartesian systems and range extenders for larger cobots. These bearings are used in combination with our guide rails, MO-LM-049-XXXX, to guide applications with high payloads up to any length. This bearing type can be used in single, dual, quad, or even higher count configurations to best suit your needs. See the technical document page for more details.
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What's Included

General Specifications

Spec Attribute Spec Value
Part Number MO-LM-049-0001
Weight 0.607 kg
Dimensions (L x W x H) 90.0 x 37.5 x 55.0 mm
Unit Price $249.03 USD
Associated Fasteners 4 x HW-FN-003-0016

Technical Specifications

Spec Attribute Spec Value
Load Capacity 27400 N
Max Linear Speed 2000 mm/s
Compatible With MO-LM-049-XXXX
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