Datalogic Laser Area Scanner - Child

Datalogic Laser Area Scanner - Child

$2,289.91 USD
Ships in 3 days
The Datalogic Laser Area Scanner (child version, SLS-R5-E Remote Long Range Enhanced) is a compact and discrete safety device. Featuring a 5.5m radius safety zone, total and partial muting, and multiple zone monitoring, it can be used in a multitude of applications with restricted access such as palletizers and robot cells. Datalogic’s Laser Scanner can be used with Vention’s MachineMotion 2 controllers (CE-CL-010-0004 & CE-CL-010-0001) and Safety Module (CE-SA-008-0000_2) to create a safe work environment. Users will be able to define safety and muting zones with custom geometries suitable for a large array of applications. Must be used with a Laser Area Scanner (parent version).
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General Specifications

Spec Attribute Spec Value
Part Number PR-DA-001-0582
Weight 1.37 kg
Dimensions (L x W x H) 137.0 x 143.0 x 163.0 mm
Unit Price $2,289.91 USD

Technical Specifications

Spec Attribute Spec Value
Reach 5500 mm
Cable Length between parent and child 5000 mm
IP Rating 65
Included in the Box
  • Scanner
  • mounting brackets
  • cable & fasteners
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